The Resilient Argentinian University, New Scenarios on The Horizon?

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Martín Unzué


This research analyzes the scenarios in the Argentina university field that came with the change of government at the end of 2019. After reviewing the main measures taken by the previous government, in higher education and in science and technology policies, we did an examination of what new lines of action were hints in this sector. It is argued that in the current context of uncertainty, the new agenda has not yet been fully defined or addressed, and that limitations of different nature, especially the budgetary ones, will fully operate in medium term, which strongly threatens the possibility of making policies that find the solution to some of the large outstanding debts with Argentinian universities.

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Author Biography

Martín Unzué, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales. Profesor investigador de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Actualmente es director del Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la uba.