Educación superior, sociedad y política en Argentina. Desafíos para pensar la ciudadanía en las instituciones

Main Article Content

Marcelo Fabián Vitarelli


In recent decades we have witnessed in Argentina the advent of higher education institutions as spaces of complex definitions, games not always supported and especially in the 90s and until the mid-tensions that opens the new millennium, as places under a mercantilist mark and a market logic emphasized the individualistic character and competitiveness among its members. All this has happened producing detrimental in sustaining institutional enablers citizens respecting cultures between people, the growing commitment to knowledge, ethics and care if ultimately the opening of collective construction sites communities with their own identities. The article outlines the guidelines underpinning our teaching, research and extensión act on the ground and dialogue between social and institutional actors that are involved socially and politically. The objective is to analyze, in light of its historical evelopment and its incorporation to the present, the device consists of the set of relationships between higher education policy at the federal level, the reality of university institutions located nature and everyday dynamics that they occur in the last decades. The State, the Market, the University institution and subjects, as well as the set of regulations that operate between each of these components are the key units. The recognition of institutional identity, the dynamics of change, the game challenges and prospects asume that draw an educational prospective, are established as foundation stones on which rests the building and the construction of an institutional educational project.

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Author Biography

Marcelo Fabián Vitarelli, Universidad Nacional de San Luis

Doctorando en Estudios Latinoamericanos y Master en Ciencias Sociales. Profesor adjunto exclusivo, investigador y extensionista en el Departamento de Educación y Formación Docente de la Universidad Nacional
de San Luis. Producción académica centrada en historia de las prácticas políticas y pedagógicas de la educación superior en Argentina.